Kim "Pynki" Rowell
Promoting Wholistic Wellness

Massage By Pynki

The power that made the body, heals the body.

I am not here to heal you, I am here to counteract the stresses and injuries that the chaos of our environments and busy lives inflict upon our bodies, so that YOU can heal yourself. I offer a variety of modalities to provide healing however you need it most, whether you need your muscles to soften, your nerves to unwind, or you just need to find greater comfort in your own skin.

Our bodies are complex, beautiful, organic machines;

every part plays an important role in the structural integrity of the whole,

massage helps to maintain optimum efficiency in the cooperation between each and every part.

Independently, we have all the power necessary to maintain our own health, and when we surround ourselves with healthy choices, we allow our bodies to heal themselves naturally. Eating well, exercising appropriately, problem solving, social indulgence, meditation, and self-awareness all contribute to a wholistic approach to living healthily. When things go awry, professional intervention can help bring you back to center.

  • When your body feels fatigued, sore, or overworked, massage can invigorate, soothe, and relax you.
  • When your mind feels drained, stressed, or overwhelmed, massage can revitalize, ease, and calm you.
  • When you feel unstable, isolated, or absent, massage can restore balance, connection, and presence.

This makes massage a vital part of maintaining wholistic health, supporting the connection between body, mind, and psyche.